Some testimonials from our students pilots
Hello Ruy:
Well our Pharmasave group is heading back to Canada today.
I want to thank you for making a wonderful trip into truly the trip of a lifetime for so many of our guests. Your presentation was remarkable and beyond that, you gave our guests the opportunity to do something that I know they would never have done without you: fly. Together with you this past week Pharmasave really did ‘take flight’.
Thank you for making our trip to Brazil so special. I look forward to seeing you again when I next some to Rio and I hope that will be soon. I hope that you will come to Vancouver one day and when you do, please let me know.
All the best and thank you again,
Sue Paish
Chief Executive Officer
Pharmasave Drugs (National) Ltd.
Hi Ruy!
As requested thanks for the flight yesterday I hope this account is helpful.
Yesterday I went hanggliding over Rio de Janeiro. It may sound like no big deal but I have had a fear of heights for years to the extent that standing on tall buildings fully enclosed with barriers, walls etc still incurred feelings of nausea. For me the possibility of hanggliding was never an issue as I never believed I could run off a mountain. After friends of mine did the hang glide and came back after completely full of adrenalin and on a total high calling it one of the best experiences ever I decided to try to conquer my fear and do it. My pilot was Ruy and from the start he concentrated on getting me through the flight. It started in the car to the jump site with Ruy preparing me for the flight even though I had no idea he was directing positive thoughts at me. When we reached the top I felt an intense fear on seeing the ramp which was angled downward with Rio laid out in front of me. Tears came to my eyes and I started to tremble and immediately thought "how will I ever be able to do this". Ruy then took me aside and used a technique of taking me to a safe place from my childhood with a person from my childhood who made me safe and talking me through an experience with him (when he gave me a present of a doll that I loved) to give me tangible things to focus on - the smells and feelings I experienced at that time. After explaining relaxing breathing excercises he encouraged me to focus on to that experience to help me to stay calm. He also gave me an image to focus on when we were running off the ramp which was to pretend I was running to my favourite concert and I was late. This was excellent for me as I focused on that thought rather than the thought that I am running off a ramp into mid air! Before taking the flight we sat near the edge of the ramp and just watched people taking off and saying very little which was a help as it allowed me to work on the techniques and have time to make them as real as possible for me. The actual flight was so smooth that once we ran off the ramp/ to the concert I was able to enjoy the flight from the the very start as my levels of confidence in myself were so high and I felt completely comfortable with Ruy. I have to admit that there were a few scary moments during the flight when the wind changed etc but these were minimal and totally normal just the fact that I was up there was enough for me. Without the help of Ruy and the incredible experience that I had with him there is no way I feel I could have done that flight but now I feel I could do it again in a heartbeat and am looking forward to it. I learned techniques that I will use again in similar situations and i feel I have made a huge step in recovering from my fear of heights. Hanggliding will pretty much do that for you!
Thanks again for yesterday Ruy I am still on a high!
Louise Keegan
Oi Ruy,
Thanks for making my acrophobia dissappear. It has been a while since I've met someone as possitive as you, very refreshing. I need to JUMP OFF A PLANE now, and I know I can do it with the right memory file!
"Esperava a derradeira hora para expandir-me. Meu irmão, senti nascer em mim, desde minha prisão, um novo ser; um homem novo ressuscitou! Existia em mim, mas nunca se teria revelado se o raio não o tivesse atingido."
(Fiódor M. Dostoiévski, Os irmãos Karamázovi.)
O trecho escrito por Dostoiévski talvez conseguia ilustrar um pouco do que representou o vôo de domingo para mim,mas falar do que se desvela,do incomunicável, é algo extremamente dificil talvez por que o única maneira de falar sobre ele seja deixando o incomunicável ser incomunicável. Filosofia a par, psicólogo adora uma filosófia... Gostaria de lhe fazer um enorme elogio pelo livro, pelo livro? (Vc deve estar se perguntando!) Sim já li! Ou melhor, não consegui parar de ler. Confesso que de ínicio li por pura curiosidade, afinal como psicóloga gostaria de entender um pouco mais sobre a sua curiosa pesquisa, que ao mesmo tempo falava de algo com o qual lido e estudo praticamente todos os dias (Psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia).
Bom, assim como o vôo o seu livro também me surpreendeu você conseguiu falar com uma facilidade e uma propriedade sobre temas que para nós profissionais da área de saúde é dificil e complexo, primeiro, acredito eu , por que utilizamos termos técnicos ( e acho q isso é uma forma de defesa...) . Mas voltando ao livro, ele é simples e passa a mensagem de maneira gostosa, ao mesmo tempo com uma suavidade ímpar. A história prende o leitor ao mesmo tempo que o traz a reflexão assim me senti....
Novamente Parabéns e aguardo ansiosa o proxímo livro...
Jéssica Riba
Obs.: O Maridão tá na fila para ler!!!!
I`m sure that everything is fine with you and that you are flying arround in
your lovely mountains!
Finally I´m back in Europe and have some time to drop you a few lines about
my impressions that I had when I first flew with you:
A couple of years ago I had a neverous depression and I was unable to fly
(in a plane) for nearly three years. Just the idea of flying would give me
panic attacks. I never thought that 7 years later, I would fly again,
carried by the wind ....
When I saw in my travel guide that there are people flying delta plane over
Rio, I first didn`t think about any danger, I just thought that this must be
an absolutl kick. I called Ruy and somebody came to pick me up the next day.
Before this, I was thinking if I should call my family to tell them that if
I wouldn`t call them back two hours later, then they would really need to
worry. But in the end, I just thought that this is non-sense, it would just
worry my family and if really something would happen, then my call wouldn´t
change anything anyway.
So we drove up to the ramp through an amazing rainforest, dense and full of
live. When we arrived at the top of the mountain, Ruy had a few, very
securing words and thoughts and I was less afraid than I thought I would be.
He would let me stand next to the deep and ask me to close my eyes and he
wanted me to know how the wind feels to me. It felt really good, light and
the waterparticles that I aspired where full of good smell of plants. What
could happen there in the cradle of nature. I was really excited to jump and
After a few excersises it was our turn and we were running into the
horizont, running, running, running and hop .... a jump into a new
dimension: flying. And incredible silence, just a confident noise of the
wind which is carrying us over this incredible spot of the planet. Flying
above the birds, in the fluid of the winds, carried by nature. Unbelievable.
I remember that I had dreams of flying in the air when I was younger, but
this was even better, it was real. My breath was slow, I was focussed on my
sensations and didn´t feel any fear ... much more the opposite.
Once back on the ground, I wanted to return immediately to the top and jump
again. However, I flew again two days later and must say that it was even
Thanks Ruy for having allowd me to fly the first time with the perfect
instructor. It´s about the feel and nothing is granted.
Thanks for everything and if you need anything from Europe, please do let me
All my best and speak to you soon.
your lovely mountains!
Finally I´m back in Europe and have some time to drop you a few lines about
my impressions that I had when I first flew with you:
A couple of years ago I had a neverous depression and I was unable to fly
(in a plane) for nearly three years. Just the idea of flying would give me
panic attacks. I never thought that 7 years later, I would fly again,
carried by the wind ....
When I saw in my travel guide that there are people flying delta plane over
Rio, I first didn`t think about any danger, I just thought that this must be
an absolutl kick. I called Ruy and somebody came to pick me up the next day.
Before this, I was thinking if I should call my family to tell them that if
I wouldn`t call them back two hours later, then they would really need to
worry. But in the end, I just thought that this is non-sense, it would just
worry my family and if really something would happen, then my call wouldn´t
change anything anyway.
So we drove up to the ramp through an amazing rainforest, dense and full of
live. When we arrived at the top of the mountain, Ruy had a few, very
securing words and thoughts and I was less afraid than I thought I would be.
He would let me stand next to the deep and ask me to close my eyes and he
wanted me to know how the wind feels to me. It felt really good, light and
the waterparticles that I aspired where full of good smell of plants. What
could happen there in the cradle of nature. I was really excited to jump and
After a few excersises it was our turn and we were running into the
horizont, running, running, running and hop .... a jump into a new
dimension: flying. And incredible silence, just a confident noise of the
wind which is carrying us over this incredible spot of the planet. Flying
above the birds, in the fluid of the winds, carried by nature. Unbelievable.
I remember that I had dreams of flying in the air when I was younger, but
this was even better, it was real. My breath was slow, I was focussed on my
sensations and didn´t feel any fear ... much more the opposite.
Once back on the ground, I wanted to return immediately to the top and jump
again. However, I flew again two days later and must say that it was even
Thanks Ruy for having allowd me to fly the first time with the perfect
instructor. It´s about the feel and nothing is granted.
Thanks for everything and if you need anything from Europe, please do let me
All my best and speak to you soon.
Quero registrar minha satisfação e magnífico vôo de ASA no
sábado(07/04), sua tranqüilidade, gentileza , educação,nível de
atenção , segurança,tratamento individualizado ,simplicidade...
contribuíram para que essa experiência fosse única.
sábado(07/04), sua tranqüilidade, gentileza , educação,nível de
atenção , segurança,tratamento individualizado ,simplicidade...
contribuíram para que essa experiência fosse única.
O breve tempo que passei ao seu lado,fiquei encantada com você ,como
pessoa e excelente profissional que é.
Faltam palavras para expressar e definir essa sensação de voar e
ainda voar com uma pessoa ESPECIAL como você!!!
As fotos e DVD ficaram ótimos.pessoa e excelente profissional que é.
Faltam palavras para expressar e definir essa sensação de voar e
ainda voar com uma pessoa ESPECIAL como você!!!
Boa sorte, Saúde e muito Sucesso!!!
Hi Ruy!
When me and my best friend Julia arrived to Rio de Janeiro we knew we wanted to do hanggliding from a mountain over Rio. We heard about a bunch of places doing it but Superfly, you company sounded like the one with the most experienced team. We went up to this amazing mountain, I think it was called Pedra Bonita, where we were to jump. My friend Julia and her tendempartner went before me so I started to get quite nervous before it was my turn. But then came Ruy. Just the appearence of this calm brazilian man made me more relaxed. Then he asked if he could do an psychological experiment on me and I felt like I could trust him so I said yes. He asked me to close my eyes and then he wanted me to think of a moment, a consert to be more precise, where I felt really good and calm. I did this and then he told me to try to remember what I was wearing that particular day. It was a bit scary but everything bacame so real to me, he made me remeber the smells, sounds, how I looked and felt that day. An when I opened my eyes I suddenly felt so incredibly calm. When we now moved towards the take-off-bridge, I wasn´t scared at all. When we then ran and jumped I just felt soo free, I never think I have experenced that kind of calmness but still felt so much adrenalin pumping through my vanesm it was amazing!
When we flew over Rio and saw Copacabana and Ipanema beach, it felt so unreal. Ruy poited at a bird and it felt like it was our friend. I really felt like if I was flying. Ruy treated me with such respect and was such a genteman the whole time. It was without a doubt one of the most fantastic and meditative moments of my life.
Thank you for giving me a memory I will never forget! And good luck with your book. I would love to hear how it goes.
Daniela Dahlbäck, Sweden
When me and my best friend Julia arrived to Rio de Janeiro we knew we wanted to do hanggliding from a mountain over Rio. We heard about a bunch of places doing it but Superfly, you company sounded like the one with the most experienced team. We went up to this amazing mountain, I think it was called Pedra Bonita, where we were to jump. My friend Julia and her tendempartner went before me so I started to get quite nervous before it was my turn. But then came Ruy. Just the appearence of this calm brazilian man made me more relaxed. Then he asked if he could do an psychological experiment on me and I felt like I could trust him so I said yes. He asked me to close my eyes and then he wanted me to think of a moment, a consert to be more precise, where I felt really good and calm. I did this and then he told me to try to remember what I was wearing that particular day. It was a bit scary but everything bacame so real to me, he made me remeber the smells, sounds, how I looked and felt that day. An when I opened my eyes I suddenly felt so incredibly calm. When we now moved towards the take-off-bridge, I wasn´t scared at all. When we then ran and jumped I just felt soo free, I never think I have experenced that kind of calmness but still felt so much adrenalin pumping through my vanesm it was amazing!
When we flew over Rio and saw Copacabana and Ipanema beach, it felt so unreal. Ruy poited at a bird and it felt like it was our friend. I really felt like if I was flying. Ruy treated me with such respect and was such a genteman the whole time. It was without a doubt one of the most fantastic and meditative moments of my life.
Thank you for giving me a memory I will never forget! And good luck with your book. I would love to hear how it goes.
Daniela Dahlbäck, Sweden